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Webinar: The Contested Meanings of Nationalism in Homonationalism
This seminar opens for discussion of how – and if – there are advantages in taking more seriously the ontological and epistemological workings of nationalism in scholarship on homonationalism.
About the seminar: The concept of homonationalism has been intensely circulated in research and critique of how LGBTQ subjects have become symbols of national superiority in many western countries. As the phenomenon is recognized as global, or as a structuring force of modernity which “we cannot opt out of” (Puar, 2017, p. 320), several questions arise concerning what “nationalism” is taken to be in homonationalism, such as: is nationalism a set of discourses or the ideology of a political structure – or different political structures? How, where and by whom is “it” produced and circulated and for what purposes? The meaning of nationalism is often assumed when we use the term homonationalism, despite having been subjected to much debate for several decades. This seminar opens for discussion of how – and if – there are advantages in taking more seriously the ontological and epistemological workings of nationalism in scholarship on homonationalism. The question builds on my research on contemporary homonationalism in Sweden (2016-2020) which serves as a starting point to explore the often-implicit meanings of nationalism in homonationalism, as well how geographic context and scale matters for how we research and conceptualise nationalist subsumptions of LGBTQ rights, symbols, people, and spaces.
Organizer: Uppsala University
Submitted by: NIKK
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15.04.2024 16:15
Zoom, Sweden