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CfP: 2024 ATGENDER conference: Gender studies and the precarious labour of making a difference
The 2024 ATGENDER conference aims to explore the theme of Gender Studies and the Precarious Labour of Making a Difference: (Un)paid Jobs, Internships, and Volunteering in the Worlds of Activism, Profit, and Non-profit.
Please submit your abstracts or roundtable proposals until 22 February, 2024.

Proposals can have different formats:

PAPER PROPOSAL: title, 100-250 words, please indicate how the paper connects to the conference theme in general.

ROUNDTABLE: title, 100-250 words description indicating participants’ contribution, names and contact details for a maximum of four participants and chair.

WORKSHOP(an interactive event during the conference open to participants): title, description 250 words (indicating format, time required, intended participants)

SESSION PROPOSAL: session title, description 200 words, name and contact details of chair, repondent and importantly: list of paper-proposals and names of presenters. Please make sure the papers for the proposed session are also submitted separately.

You will be notified about acceptance within four weeks of the deadline. After acceptance you may apply for a travel grant and fee waiver.

Recipients will be notified before 19 April.

Registration and payment of the conference fee are due 15 May.

Please find the submission form here: https://forms.gle/G6cpcjXF1ribu9WLA
Organizer: ATGENDER
Submitted by: NIKK
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Call for papers
Utrecht, European
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2024 ATGENDER conference: Gender studies and the precarious labour of making a difference
The 2024 ATGENDER conference aims to explore the theme of Gender Studies and the Precarious Labour of Making a Difference: (Un)paid Jobs, Internships, and Volunteering in the Worlds of Activism, Profit, and Non-profit.
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