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Gender-Just Green Transition in the Nordics: A Cross Nordic Online Workshop
Assessing gender mainstreaming of climate policy and -action - Contribute with your perspectives and learn from others!
Online workshop dedicated to evaluating and advancing gender mainstreaming in climate policy and action across the Nordic region. The workshop will gather stakeholders from Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland, to exchange experiences of lessons learned, best practices, strategies and barriers in terms of working towards a gender-responsive green transition.

Learn from others, discover new opportunities for collaboration and share your thoughts and experiences in group sessions contributing to the overall review of the Nordic implementation of gender-just climate policy and -action.

The workshop will be facilitated by the Danish sustainability consultancy Norion and is part of an assessment of the Nordic Implementation of the UNFCCC Gender Action Plan - a task commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The assessment will be presented in a report published in the spring of 2024 and will presented at a series of webinars.
Submitted by: Finland
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15.12.2023 11:00-13:30
Verkossa, Finland