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Insights from co-creating services with forced migrant survivors of sexual and gender-based violence
Insights from using an experience-based workshop methodology to co-create a support service model with forced migrant survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.
Decoloniality can be understood as an epistemic undertaking, as it seeks to produce diverse knowledge and as it involves critical reflection on how we speak from a particular location in the power structure. For participatory research that engage people with lived experiences as co-researchers it is integral to emphasize diverse ways of knowing; to strive to disrupt uncritical applications of Western norms; and to put effort into relationship-building and trauma-informed approaches. Given this, participatory research has been suggested as a possible tool for decolonialization, with the potential to challenge prevailing power relationships and lead to social and policy change. However, cautious voices have been raised: care must be taken to enable genuine and meaningful involvement, or the research efforts risk perpetuating existing power inequalities and cause harm particularly when aiming to engage co-researchers from groups who navigate complex life circumstances, or who have previously been excluded from, or exploited by, research. In this seminar, I will discuss my experiences of using an experience-based workshop methodology to co-create a support service model with forced migrant survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), and providers from different services such as healthcare and language schools. I will draw on insights from the project to consider approaches that could foster meaningful involvement.

Location: Centrum för genusvetenskap 12:07 (KWB)
Lecturer: Anna Pérez-Aronsson, Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, Uppsala universitet
Organizer: Uppsala University Centre for Gender Research
Submitted by: NIKK
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07.12.2023 13:15-15:00
Uppsala, Sweden