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Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap: Call for Papers 2023-2024
We are now welcoming suggestions and ideas for special issues and individual pieces from scholars at all stages of their academic paths as well as contributions that come from collaborative projects and overlaps with activist knowledge production or artistic contributions.
Special issues are welcome to bridge different formats within the issues, ranging from academic papers to artistic contributions.

Adding to the already existing formats in the journal – peer reviewed research articles, book reviews and the more open debate and reflection space Frispel – we will also include research interviews and provide some space for artistic contributions such a visual art, illustrations, poetry, essays and prose. We will organise the publication around special issues for all the issues – but will also have a smaller permanent section for open articles, outside of the special issue theme.
Organizer: TGV
Submitted by: Genus
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Call for papers
Online, Sweden