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Gender, Development and Environmental Governance (8,5 credits)
We are giving a Ph.D. course on Gender, Development and Environmental Governance (8,5 credits) with an interactive. workshop, Encounters in environments under stress: Rethinking methodologies and decolonising research practices at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Early career researchers are most welcome.
The entire course period will be August 5 – September 13, 2024 with actual class days from September 2– 6 in Uppsala, Sweden. The rest of the time is for reading and writing on your own.

The course will:
1) Introduce you to issues of gender and intersecting dimensions of power in environmental governance and development and their interconnections in multiple contexts and spaces.
2) Provide you with methods and tools for decolonial methodologies in an increasingly interconnected world and
3) Allow you to focus on a project in course discussions that is directly related to your research and area of work

An important part of the course is for you to be able to develop your thinking in your area of study and to be able to discuss that with the lecturers. In order to facilitate that, and to tailor the course to you as participants, you need to send a one page description of your work/research and a few lines on what you would like to get from the course (see questions below).
Organizer: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Submitted by: NIKK
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Uppsala, Sweden