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Gender & Diversity - Radboud Summer School
After three successful editions, Radboud Gender & Diversity Studies will host a summer school course on Gender & Diversity again from August 13-17 2018. The course is now open for registration and there is an early bird discount for those who register by April 1.
The interdisciplinary course Gender & Diversity: core concepts in society and science, is based on RU's state-of-the-art research and provides an advanced introduction to gender and diversity in social science in an intensive one-week programme. The course will be team-taught by nine highly acknowledged faculty members from a range of disciplinary perspectives.
This course is designed as an 'advanced introduction'; it (1) starts with explaining core concepts and approaches in gender and diversity studies, but goes beyond introductory textbook knowledge; it (2) introduces an intersectionality perspective, with which we can start to analyse the social construction of gender, class, race, ethnicity and sexuality in historical and contemporary debates in society and science; and (3) uses accessible language, while challenging participation in thinking very critically of our knowledge, practices and perspectives.
The first part of the course is dedicated to provide a fundamental toolkit for any academic who wants to conduct or understand gender and diversity research and gendered processes in society. In two days’ time, we discuss (1) core concepts, including sex, gender, diversity, and intersectionality; (2) how research design can lead to intersecting constructions of difference and biases in research; and (3) what the importance of the historical and political context is for understanding gender dynamics. In the second part of the course, we will apply different types of gender and diversity perspectives and theories by discussing several important themes (e.g. education, work, politics) in the social sciences and society. Each of these themes is fundamental to societal change and the production and reproduction of gender inequalities.
Submitted by: Genus
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13.08.2018 - 17.08.2018
Nijmegen, Netherlands