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Nordic LGBTI Fund: Call 2024
The Fund aims to stimulate Nordic co-operation in the LGBTI area within the framework of the strategic supplement to the Nordic Co-Operation Programme on Gender Equality and its priorities.
NIKK is administering the Nordic LGBTI Fund on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The Nordic LGBTI Fund addresses a broad target group and calls for proposals are open to a variety of activities and organisations including:

• Volunteer organisations (citizen organisations/not-for-profit organisations)
• Networks
• Government agencies and other public sector activities (such as municipalities, university departments, divisions, etc.)
• Other non-commercial actors
• Business enterprises (SMEs)

Each project must involve at least the three Nordic countries, where the Faroe Islands, Greenland and the Aaland Islands may constitute one of these only. In addition, grants can be awarded to activities that include cooperation in neighbouring areas, i.e. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, that also include at least two Nordic countries. The principal applicant should come from a Nordic country or the Faroe Islands, Greenland or the Aaland Islands.

The Nordic LGBTI Fund finances activities initiated in the same year as the funding is granted and which are concluded within two years from the start date. Activities commenced before the application deadline are not eligible for funding.

Funding is granted to projects that constitute Nordic synergy as well as contributions to work for equal rights, treatment and opportunities for LGBTI people in the Nordic countries.

All applications to the Fund must state whether they have included the following perspectives:

• Sustainable development
• Gender equality
• Children and youth perspectives.
Organizer: NIKK | Nordic Council of Ministers
Submitted by: NIKK
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02.09.2024 - 01.10.2024
Call for papers
Nordic Region, Nordic