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CfP: Genders and Feminisms in a Polarised World: Sustainability, Futures and Utopias
RINGS Conference and Annual Meeting 2019

This conference invites contributions that interrogate the meanings of genders, feminisms and the role of gender and feminist studies at the time of polarisation and global sustainability crises.
Sustainability is often understood in three broad dimensions: social, environmental and economic. We encourage forward looking perspectives and invite papers to address, for example, the following issues:

• How do anti-gender movements and sentiments operate in local contexts and how do they threaten sustainability on local and global levels?
• What language should we use to talk about gender, feminism and gender studies in a context where gender, feminism and gender studies are often misunderstood and misrepresented? How can we counter essentialism?
• How can we as gender scholars
practice critical self-reflexivity, notice and address our own blind spots, omissions, and ways in which we are part of aggravating the sustainability crisis? What possible solutions can gender and feminist knowledge offer to deal with the crisis and move towards a more sustainable world?
• How do we relate to various stakeholders in the academia, as well as the broader society, in the context of political polarisation and increasing divisions based on conflicting values? How to overcome echo chambers? How to develop meaningful dialogue to bridge gaps and overcome divisions?
• How can gender and feminist knowledge help make sense of and transform our relationship to other subjects beyond the human? How do gender studies help to rethink the human in an era when our species is threatening planetary sustainability?
• How do polarisations and ecological challenges shape and are shaped by gender relations and politics in particular geographical and geopolitical areas, such as the Global South?
• How can we use (eco)feminist and decolonial approaches to understand issues and phenomena such as identity, race, sexuality, material inequalities and migration in the context of sustainability?
• What kind of intersectional alliances can be formed to overcome divides, embrace pluralities and work towards a more sustainable world? What kinds of activisms are relevant?
• What could gender and gender relations look like in the future? Where could/should gender studies be heading? What are our ideals, desired futures, utopias and ecotopias?

In addition to these themes, presentations on urgent matters (e.g. political developments affecting the situation of gender studies in a national context) could be included.

Formats other than presentations, particularly more interactive formats (such as panels) are welcome.

Conference registration will open on June 1, 2019.

Host organisation: Gender Studies Research Group, Tallinn University

Venue: Tallinn University, Uus-Sadama 5, 10120, Tallinn, Estonia

Registration fee: a minimum of 100 euros for institutions variable by location. The fee will support RINGS solidarity fund. Members from lower income countries can apply for funding
from the solidarity fund to offset participation costs. Assistance from the solidarity fund is subject to sufficient availability of funds.
Please contact conference organisers for possible assistance after June 15.

Accommodation and travel: costs are to be covered by the participants. The hosts will suggest accommodation options and arrange reduced prices.
Submitted by: Genus
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02.10.2019 - 04.10.2019
Tallinn, European