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CfP: Queer Death Studies: Coming to Terms with Death, Dying and Mourning Differently
Call for papers
Dato: 01.12.2018  Tid:
Sted: , Danmark
Special issue Women, Gender & Research, 2019/2-3.
This special issue invites academic as well as artistic contributions that focus on and explore the ways queer theory and queer perspectives can help us rethink death, dying, remains, afterlife, mourning and the life-death dichotomy.
The topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Queer methodologies of researching death, dying and mourning
- Queer practices of mourning and bereavement
- Materiality of death and corpses
- Death/life ecologies
- Necropolitics and borders
- Un/grievable lives and deaths
- Death and biotechnology/biomedicine
- Queering cancer and other life-threatening diseases
- Suicide
- Technologies of life/death
- Queer widowhood
- Decolonialising death
- Illness narratives and death
- Ethico-politics and practices of killability
- Nonhuman death and dying
- Extinction and annihilation
- Death and acts of resistance
- ‘Slow death’
- Queering temporalities of death
- Queer spiritualities

Marietta Radomska, postdoc, Linköping University, Sweden
Tara Mehrabi, postdoc, University of Turku, Finland
Nina Lykke, professor emerita, Linköping University, Sweden

Deadline for abstracts (max 300-word + up to 100 word author bio): June 25, 2018
Deadline for articles: December 1, 2018

All contributions must be in English and should be submitted to:
Lagt inn av: NIKK
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Koordinationen for Kønsforskning

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KILDEN, Stensberggata 25, NO-0170 Oslo, Telefon: +47 22 03 80 80, E-post: