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Workshop - Intimate matters
Dato: 25.10.2017 - 26.10.2017  Tid:
Sted: Karlstad, Sverige
Gender studies at Karlstad University and Gexcel International Collegium, one of the largest gender studies networks in Scandinavia, invites you to a workshop on intimacy at Karlstad University.
We look forward to two days of discussions, presentations and collaborative work on intimacy. Scholars from all disciplines with an interest in intimacy are welcome. As we seek to reduce the number of presentations and instead invite longer discussions, we welcome you to participate with or without an abstract or paper.

Gexcel will cover the travel costs and accommodation for around 7 participating scholars (excluding the specially invited speakers). Please indicate if you need to have your costs covered in this way!

Abstracts for presentations are welcome on September 10 at the latest. Abstract length approx. 300 words. Please also add a short bio of approximately 150 words.
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Karlstad University

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KILDEN, Stensberggata 25, NO-0170 Oslo, Telefon: +47 22 03 80 80, E-post: