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Local/Global Dynamics in Feminism and Contemporary Art
Dato: 03.07.2017  Tid: 10:30-6:00
Sted: London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
This event is open to students, artists, academics and curators interested in feminism and contemporary art. The small fee is to cover the cost of catering for lunch and tea/coffee.
This conference has been organised with the aim of building new and shared understandings across generations and geographies to think about where feminist debate in the visual arts is positioned today, especially given the current "popularity"´of women artists in museums, biennales and galleries, as well as its directions for the future.

The conference aims to address how different local concerns appear internationally and how locales may produce different understandings which may be productive for a stronger local and global dynamics within and across feminism(s). The conference will be organised through speeches, panel discussions, breakout sessions on particular topics and a discussion of attendeeÂ’s posters.

Lagt inn av: Genus
Arrangementets nettsider:
Arrangert av
Katy Deepwell

Kontakt e-post:

KILDEN, Stensberggata 25, NO-0170 Oslo, Telefon: +47 22 03 80 80, E-post: