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Nordic Law and Gender Conference 2017
Dato: 11.05.2017 - 12.05.2017  Tid:
Sted: Turku, Finland
Transformation of gender: reflections in legal research and practice
Nordic Law and Gender Conference 2017 – University of Turku, Finland: May 11-12th, 2017.

Call for papers; Feb 15th, 2017
Key note speakers:
Professor Sandra Fredman, University of Oxford
Professor Nira Yuval Davis, University of East London


The transformation of the Nordic unified national states into multiethnic and plural societies coincides with transformation of feminist legal research from womenÂ’s law to law and gender. Sex and gender are increasingly contested concepts, challenged by queer and evolving gender roles. It is obvious that gender plays a role in all legal fields but gender is so far not mainstreamed into legal education, nor into research. Gender roles are changing as Nordic women combine a career and family and Nordic men are taking more responsibility for their children. Theoretically, queer, sexual orientations, transgender, intersex; all challenge sex as an analytical category and a fixed identity. Post-modernity is also characterized with ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural identifications that make the unity of nationality and sex an illusion.

The Nordic welfare states have been national projects and legal orders have been central in their construction. However, even law has transformed from national law into layered and overlapping legal orders, such as EU, national, regional and local jurisdictions, differentiated legal disciplines, established professional codes and practices, religious customs etc. To what extent is it possible to build an analysis of gender in the Nordic state on the premise of an effective welfare state? In discrimination law, we increasingly speak about intersectionality as a key to better access to justice. The impact of introducing intersectionality into legal theory and practice is still at best a work in progress. Is the concept of intersectionality able to live up to expectations?


The conference shall promote interaction between academia and practice. Practitioners who realize equality in working life and policies will be invited to participate in panels that discuss anti-discrimination in different contexts.

Call for papers; Feb 15th, 2017

The conference calls for different perspectives on how the changing understandings of sex and gender and intersectionality are reflected in law, legal research, legal practices and theories. We welcome both theoretical and legal papers discussing any field of law. Doctoral students and post doc researchers are encouraged to apply.

A call for papers will be opened in 2017:
Dead line for proposals is Feb 15th. The paper proposals of 200-300 words shall be submitted as word-file.

Notifications will be sent by mid-March.

Papers are especially encouraged in the related subthemes, such as:

- Asylum crisis: How does “asylum crisis” challenge the Nordic welfare state?
- Conceptualization of Citizenship rights: Political, Social, Economic, Integrity, personality rights.
- Is there a conflict between diversity and intersectionality and womenÂ’s rights?
- Gender and the intersection of EU law and human rights law
- Parental rights and child care in transition: Is it so that only parents must flex, could the labour market adjust as well?


Registration to the Conference by April 15th:
Registration fee is 40 €.


Amalia Verdu: Amalia.Verdu(at)
Marjo Rantala: Marjo.Rantala(at)
Lagt inn av: Finland
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