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Women, from Object to Subject: When the Law and Feminist Militancy Meet!
Dato: 15.06.2017 - 16.06.2017  Tid:
Sted: Capitole, Europeisk
This new international conference is a follow-up of a symposium held in January 2015 at the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole entitled ‘Women: from Objects to Becoming Subjects: Political Power, Legal Discourse and Professional Equality’. Guest of honour: Angela Davis.
The purpose of this second edition is to invite scholars from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds to contemplate the manner in which law and militancy interact and feed each other in different states, institutions and political circles in France and other linguistic and cultural areas in the world.
Lagt inn av: NIKK
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Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur

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KILDEN, Stensberggata 25, NO-0170 Oslo, Telefon: +47 22 03 80 80, E-post: