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SVRI Forum 2017 - Sexual Violence Research Initiative
Dato: 18.09.2017 - 21.09.2017  Tid:
Sted: Rio de Janeiro, Internasjonalt
We invite you to the largest world-wide conference dedicated to research on prevention and response to sexual and intimate partner violence.
SVRI Forum 2017 is a vibrant, informative and fun space for researchers, civil society, policy-makers, donors and others to share and learn about the most current and cutting edge research the field has to offer on sexual and other forms of violence against women and children. SVRI Forum is the “go to event” in the field - for many of us, it is the most anticipated event in our calendar.
SVRI Forum offers a unique networking opportunity and a space to relax, decompress and spend time with like-minded people. The event provides participants with multiple opportunities to learn and engage with the experts in the field.
With the recent launch of the Sustainable Development Goals – the 17 goals which the 193 UN member states have committed to achieving over the next 15 years – SVRI Forum 2017 is a timely space to discuss and share strategies for achieving SDG targets aimed at ending all forms of violence against women and girls.

SVRI Forum 2017 is co-hosted by SVRI, Promundo-Brasil, Instituto Fernandes Figueira/FIOCRUZ and the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO). The conference programme will be translated into English, Spanish and Portuguese.
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