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Fun in physics and beyond – self presentations by American Nobel laureates from the 1960s until today
Welcome to a hybrid seminar by Annelie Drakman, Department for Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University
This presentation introduces the hypothesis that contemporary exhortations meant for aspiring scientists about the need to have fun at work, follow one’s passion and be creative are parts of the new epistemic and emotional virtue “Authentic Creativity”. This virtue fuses ideas and practices about individuality, an authentic life and creativity as an epistemic tool, and it has become ubiquitous and commonsensical within knowledge generating fields such as the contemporary natural sciences. To illustrate this hypothesis, and to show parts of its historical origins, the two most famous autobiographies from twentieth century science are analyzed:
- The Double Helix by Jim Watson and
- Surely You’re Joking Mr Feynman by Richard Feynman.

The depictions herein of what a scientist is, what they are like, and against what they define themselves are analyzed through perspectives inspired by Evelyn Fox Keller’s and Sharon Traweek’s work on gender and science. It will be delineated how aspects of a broader 1960s culture permeate these autobiographies, which deal with issues of scientific creativity and non-conformity through a peculiar kind of vitality via boyishness as a way to counter conformity.

Hybrid seminar. Zoom-link: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/64354780766

Room D502 in the Arrhenius laboratories, Stockholm University.
Organizer: Stockholm University
Website: https://su.se
Submitted by: NIKK
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08.12.2022 14:00-15:30
Stockholm, Sweden