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Avoin työpaikka: sukupuolentutkimuksen yliopistonlehtori, Oulun yliopisto
Tehtävä täytetään 1.3.2020 alkaen toistaiseksi. Haku päättyy 31.10.2019.
Oulun ylipistossa on avoinna sukupuolentutkimuksen yliopistonlehtorin tehtävä. Haku päättyy 31.10.2019. Tehtävä täytetään 1.3.2020 alkaen toistaiseksi.


University of Oulu, Faculty of Education is seeking applicants for a university lecturer in Gender Studies to join the faculty. Post is located in the research unit Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education, which is responsible for delivering high quality research and teaching in its focus areas (www.oulu.fi/ktk/vise).

Within the full-time working hours (1624 hours per annum) and an annually confirmed working plan, the lecturer teach the faculty’s basic and intermediate level courses and supervise and examine academic theses from undergraduate to doctoral level. The appointee will also take on administrative and management duties, and leadership responsibilites.

The salary will be based on the levels 5–7 of the demand level chart for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 50% of the job-specific component).

The position is scheduled to be filled as of 1 March, 2020, and it is subject to a six-month trial period.

Please submit your application and relevant enclosures through our online recruitment system no later than 31 October 2019.
Submitted by: Finland
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Oulu, Finland