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Gender Mainstreaming at municipalities: good practices in Nordic countries
The aim of the conference is to educate civil servants in municipal administrations in Lithuania how to mainstream gender equality in all sectors, how to develop gendered budgets through sharing Nordic practices.
The task of ensuring gender equality in the country’s regions and municipalities is highly relevant in Lithuania. These efforts require considerable work and exchange of good practice. Present cooperation with the Nordic countries is rather intensive; however, there is a need for more inclusive cooperation between municipalities of Lithuania and the Nordic countries. The main goal of the conference is to invite the Nordics to share their experience and good practice on the issues of gender equality implementation in municipalities, in the areas, which currently are the most relevant and urgent for the Lithuanian local authorities.

Key topics: ensuring gender equality in the field of local government, municipality as an employer – capacity assessment, more active participation of women in decision-making, women empowerment in economic activity, targeted tools - planning and assessment, gender-responsive budgeting, monitoring, combat against domestic violence, cooperation with NGOs, public education programs, capacity building in the municipalities, etc.

Lithuanian local authorities are also invited to present their good practise in this field during the Conference.

The aim is to create more practical and useful meeting for the representatives of the municipalities, and to this end the main Conference topics would be discussed during Practical Workshops as well. In addition, the idea of Conference Recommendations is under consideration.

As the Conference is going to focus on practical implementation of measures for gender equality, the expected participants would include officials of Lithuanian municipalities’ administrations and institutions, as well as representatives of relevant state institutions and non-governmental organizations working in this area.
Organizer: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania | Association of Local Authorities of Lithuania (ALAL)
Submitted by: NIKK
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04.10.2018 - 05.10.2018
Kaunas, European