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Course and Workshop on Gender, work and transforming organizations
The course is meant for Masters Students, Doctoral Students, and Postdoctoral Researchers. The maximum number of all participants is 25.
The course participants will study feminist theories, methods and practices focusing on gender, work and transforming organisations in, for example, but not limited to, the following themes:
◾Methodologies of studying (and promoting) gender and sexual equality in research and innovation, in and outside of academia, in more or less technically mediated work;
◾Tackling the gender paradox – such as, the increasing number of women, and the persistent gender and sexual inequalities in knowledge intensive sector – through action research
◾The intersections of femininities and masculinities/gender politics, and enhancing/hindering the promotion of gender and sexual equality in research and innovation sector
Organizer: University of Tampere, Gender Studies
Submitted by: Genus
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18.04.2018 - 20.04.2018
Tampere, Finland