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Politiken der Reproduction – Politics of Reproduction
Under the heading of “Politiken der Reproduktion – Politics of Reproduction” the conference investigates key issues within the field of Women’s and Gender Studies.
The conference will focus especially on questions of production and reproduction of gender and social gender relations. Based on a broad understanding six interdisciplinary panels explore diverse aspects of reproduction with reference to social gender relations in their contested and contradictory nature: “biographies”, “care”,” configurations of humans und machines”, “spaces”, “world views” and “knowledge and institutions”.

Conference languages will be German and English, meaning papers as well as contributions to discussions are welcome in both languages.
Organizer: LAGEN, Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Einrichtungen für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in Niedersachsen
Submitted by: Genus
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27.03.2017 - 29.03.2017
Hannover, European